Measures to manage joint university training activities for both work and study programs at Lam Dong Provincial Continuing Education Center

  • Hoang Phuong, Le
Keywords: Link training, university, work, study, Lam Dong


Linking university training with work-study program in order to create conditions for those who cannot attend formal university to have the opportunity to access higher education; help a part of officials and employees in the locality to study and improve knowledge and skills in an appropriate organizational mode; create on-site staff resources to meet the requirements of the job in the period of market economy and international integration. However, the actual situation of managing this operation still has difficulties and shortcomings that need to overcome. From the research on the theoretical basis and the actual survey, the article proposes some measures to manage the joint training activities of the university by working and studying at the Center for Continuing Education of Lam Dong province.

Tác giả

Hoang Phuong, Le

Master's student at Hue University of Education

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