Applying sports physiology in the teaching activities of Physical Education in universities in Vietnam

  • Sy Nguyen, Ha
Keywords: Physiology, exercise, sport, sport; Physical education; Sports training; University


In Physical Education subjects, teaching content and training methods are increasingly improved, applied subjects such as Sports medicine, Sports Anatomy, Sports Physiology are applied in teaching. Physical Education and Sports Coaching. Physiology is a mechanical science principle that provides a scientific theoretical basis for the teaching of physical education activities. Sports physiology, as a discipline that supports Sports and the study of the laws of body functioning, plays an important role in improving human balance and muscle control. Therefore, in order to effectively improve the quality of physical education teaching and learning, it is necessary to apply scientific and rational knowledge of Physiology to teaching and activities of Physical Education. This article focuses on researching and analyzing the application of Physiology in teaching Physical Education and Sports training, in order to lay a theoretical basis for optimizing teaching and training methods.

Tác giả

Sy Nguyen, Ha

Academy of Journalism and Communication

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