Thiết kế phương pháp dạy học theo định hướng phát triển năng lực ở các trường đại học

  • Đặng Thị Cẩm Nhung
Từ khóa: Teaching methods, competencies, expected learning outcome, capacity development

Tóm tắt

Capacity development-oriented teaching is a teaching model aimed at maximum development of learners’ abilities, in which learners complete cognitive tasks on their own under the organization and guidance of the teacher. The educational process from mainly equipping knowledge to comprehensively developing learners’ abilities and qualities is based on the principle: “Learning goes hand in hand with practice”; “Theory linked to practice”; “School education combined with family education and social education”. Teaching methods from the perspective of capacity development not only pay attention to active learners’ intellectual activities but also focus on training problem-solving abilities associated with life and professional situations, and at the same time At the same time, combine intellectual activities with practical and practical activities. In addition to learning individual knowledge and skills of specialized subjects, it is necessary to supplement complex learning topics to develop the ability to solve complex, practical problems.

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Đặng Thị Cẩm Nhung

Khoa Sư phạm và Khoa học cơ bản, Trường Đại học Tiền Giang

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