Current status and measures to improve quality in building preschools from a child-centered perspective in Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province

  • Hong Dinh, Tran Thi
  • Nam, Nguyen Thi
Keywords: Measures, quality improvement, child-centered, Ha Long preschool


This study aims to investigate the current situation and propose measures to improve quality in the construction of child-centered preschools in Ha Long City. The study used questionnaires for 10 managers and 110 teachers in 5 preschools about the current state of awareness of managers and teachers about child-centered education in preschools. Regarding the implementation of child-centered content in preschools, we investigated 10 administrators and 90 teachers in 5 preschools. The study has proposed 5 measures to improve the quality of building child-centered preschools.

Tác giả

Hong Dinh, Tran Thi

Vice Principal of Bai Chay Kindergarten, Ha Long, Quang Ninh

Nam, Nguyen Thi

Vice Principal of Bai Chay Kindergarten, Ha Long, Quang Ninh

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