Feedback of students on using Zoom in non-English major level A2 English classes at Hue University

  • Minh Tam, Ton nu Hoang
  • Thuy Anh, Pham Tran
Keywords: Zoom, videoconferencing, non-English majors, synchronous learning


This study was conducted to explore non-English majored students’ feedback on the use of Zoom in A2 level classroom at Hue University, University of Foreign Languages and International Studies. 42 non-English majors participated in the study. The data were collected through two main instruments: questionnaire and interview. The study’s findings indicate that there are five main advantages and two main difficulties that students faced in using Zoom in A2 level classroom. Based on the findings of this study, some implications were suggested to improve the effectiveness of synchronous English online learning through Zoom application for A2 level non-English majored students.

Tác giả

Minh Tam, Ton nu Hoang

University of Foreign Languages, Hue University

Thuy Anh, Pham Tran

University of Foreign Languages, Hue University

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