Research on community service learning activities of students of Khanh Hoa University

  • Hong Ha, Nguyen Thi
  • Huong Giang, Pham Thi
  • Bich Phung, Huynh Thi
Keywords: Community service learning, Tourism Faculty, Khanh Hoa university, student


Community service learning is quite popularly implemented in the educational systems of many countries around the world such as the US, Australia, the Netherlands, Austria, Canada... In Vietnam, a number of universities are also making progress for community service learning and have achieved certain quality such as University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh city, Hoa Sen University, Nguyen Tat Thanh University... In reality, the Faculty of Tourism at Khanh Hoa University has had a lot of activities in the training program to deploy learning activities to serve the community, bring good effects in creating excitement and attract the participation of lecturers and students at the same time creating a positive effect on the community. The study conducted a survey to survey the perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of students of the Faculty of Tourism, Khanh Hoa University about community service learning. On that basis, the authors propose a number of solutions to help improve the effectiveness of community service learning activities to meet the requirements for higher education related to community service tasks.

Tác giả

Hong Ha, Nguyen Thi

MA. Khanh Hoa University

Huong Giang, Pham Thi

MA. Khanh Hoa University

Bich Phung, Huynh Thi

MA. Khanh Hoa University

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