Orientation for teaching speaking and listening skills in the 2018 High School Literature Program

  • Ngoc Anh, Nguyen
  • Kieu Anh, Pham
Keywords: Speaking, listening, speaking and listening, teaching, Literature


Speaking and listening are two skills that are systematically deployed in the program Vietnamese - Literature 2018. his is a new point and also a difference from previous programs. It is also  one of the concerns of Literature teachers when implementing the 2018 General Education program. This article will propose some suggestions and orientations on the content and orientation of teaching speaking and listening in the 2018 Literature program (in all high school Literature books).

Tác giả

Ngoc Anh, Nguyen

Student K46B Hanoi University of Education 2

Kieu Anh, Pham

Dr, Hanoi University of Education 2

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