Learning motivation and self-study solutions to improve the quality of Chinese language learning of students at Electric Power University

  • Hue, Vu Thi
Keywords: Learning motivation, instrinsic motivation, exstrinsic motivation, Chinese language, selfstudy, Chinese language, Electric Power University


The article uses the survey method by the questionnaire, and interviews to survey Chinese learning motivation and self-study status of students at Electricity University. The study conducted a survey of 111 students at the University of Electricity. The survey results show that internal motivation (development of Chinese language skills for the future) and extrinsic motivation (job prospects and job search ability) make an important contribution to the students’ learning process. The article also proposes some methods of selfstudying Chinese to improve the learning quality of students at Electric Power University.

Tác giả

Hue, Vu Thi

Dr, Department of Foreign Languages, Electricity University

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