Service learning centers in universities in Vietnam in the context of social creativity

  • Tra My, Ngo
Keywords: Community service learning, higher education, social creativity


Service-learning (SL) is an important part of social creativity in education, encouraging students to apply knowledge to community service and solving social problems. In order for SL to be implemented synchronously and effectively, it is necessary to establish SL universities, which will create an environment that connects students, teachers and the community. By means of an overview analysis, the article's objective is to focus on building Service Learning Centers in universities in Vietnam, emphasizing the importance of this work in the context of social creativity. However, this job still faces many challenges such as limitations in human resources, finance, management mechanism, experience and relationship with the community.

Tác giả

Tra My, Ngo

University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City

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