Some measures to improve the effectiveness of Dancesport practice for students at Hanoi Metropolitan University

  • Trang Kha, Pham
Keywords: Dance and sport DanceSport, Hanoi Capital University, Students


Improving the quality of training in the direction of taking learners as the center, In each subject, innovating teaching methods Encouraging students’ activeness and creativity in learning is one of the most important issues. important, is interested and studied by many teachers. DanceSport is a creative and exciting subject that has great effects in physical and mental training. Currently, DanceSport is being interested in and put into teaching by football fields outside the school yard. teaching and training for students and students. Choosing the right teaching method for each subject, increasing the receptivity and interest in practice is necessary to make DanceSport an attractive subject and exam preparation in schools, including: Hanoi Capital University.

Tác giả

Trang Kha, Pham

MA, Hanoi Capital University

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