Research on the role of socio-political organizations in implementing autonomy at Tay Do University

  • Tien, Lam Van
  • Viet Hung, Nguyen
Keywords: Promoting, the role of socio-political organization, Tay Do University


The general policy of Resolution 29-NQ/TW in 2013 on the policy of fundamental and comprehensive renewal of education and training at the university level “increases the autonomy
and social responsibility of educational and training institutions. create; attach importance to quality management”; “Give autonomy and self-responsibility to education and training institutions; promote the role of the school council” [1, p.8]. But in order to realize autonomy, it requires the dialectical participation of educational subjects from the School Council, administrators, lecturers... Especially promoting the role of socio-political organizations. within the school to achieve common political goals.

Tác giả

Tien, Lam Van

MA. Secretary of Tay Do University Youth Union

Viet Hung, Nguyen

Dr. Lecturers. Tay Do University

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