Organizing experiential activities in teaching 2nd grade Natural and Social Sciences following the competence-based approach

  • Mai Lan, Tran Thi
  • Hong Sơn Nguyen
  • Bich Ngoc, Chu Thi
Keywords: Experiential activities, Grade 2 Nature and Society, capacity development, Experiential activities, Grade 2 Nature and Society, capacity development


Encourage students to apply what they have learned in life. In which, experiential activity is the process of learning through practice and experimentation; students have the opportunity to apply knowledge and ideas to real-life situations in which the student is the subject. Grade 2 Nature and Society subject includes highly practical topics, so experiential learning is one of the most effective methods to guide students to apply and develop creative thinking to meet the curriculum. general education program 2018.

Tác giả

Mai Lan, Tran Thi

Hung Vuong University

Hong Sơn Nguyen

Tu Xa 2 Primary School, Lam Thao

Bich Ngoc, Chu Thi

Hung Vuong University

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