Current situation of environmental protection education management for children in preschools in Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

  • Minh Uyen, Ngo Thi
Keywords: Education, environmental protection, preschool, kindergarten children


Abstract: Managing environmental protection education activities is one of the activities that help improve the quality of education at the school, helping teachers build plans, choose content, methods, and media suitable for each age group. on the basis of a systematic, planned, checked and evaluated performance. Therefore, one of the tasks of the preschool is to harmoniously combine education to improve health and intellectual development through age-appropriate educational activities and life skills, including awareness of protecting the environment to help children develop comprehensively, because these are the first years of life that play a huge role in the formation of personality, physical, cognitive, social-emotional and aesthetic for children. young.

Tác giả

Minh Uyen, Ngo Thi

Minh Uyen, Ngo Thi - Vice Principal of Linh Tay Kindergarten, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City

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