Một số vấn đề về quyền yêu cầu, quyền kiến nghị của Viện kiểm sát nhân dân trong tố tụng dân sự

  • PGS. TS. Vũ Thị Hồng Vân
Keywords: Right to request, right to protests, the People’s Procuracies, civil proceedings


With the functions of prosecuting the law observance in the whole civil proceedings and ensuring the objectivity and lawfulness of the Courts’ judgments issuance, the missions of People’s Procuracies is to apply necessary measures to resolve legal shortcomings and violations in the Courts’ judgments and decisions. These are right to request and right to protests of People’s Procuracies which are measures to perform the functions of prosecuting the law observance so that laws are unified complied and implemented. The paper studies some legal matters and regulations on right to require and right to protests by analyzing criteria for identification and distinction different points, thereby, the Prosecutors are able to understand and apply these rights appropriately and effectively.

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