Quy trình xây dựng bài tập có nội dung thực tế bồi dưỡng thành tố năng lực vận dụng kiến thức, kĩ năng đã học trong dạy học phần “Công, năng lượng, công suất” Vật lí lớp 10

  • Mai Thị Thuận
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Từ khóa: Exercises have practical content, work, Power, physical capacity, physics 10

Tóm tắt

Exercises are an important tool for teachers to organize teaching and assessment to develop student capacity, in which exercises with practical content are especially important. In this article, we analyze the theoretical basis of the component of ability to apply knowledge and skills learned in physics and exercises with practical content, thereby proposing a process for developing exercises. has practical content to foster students’ ability to apply knowledge and skills learned in studying physics and apply it to build a number of exercises with practical content in teaching the part “work, energy, power” - physics grade 10 and the idea of using exercises in teaching to develop students’ physics capacity.

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Mai Thị Thuận

Trường THPT Vạn Tường, Huyện Bình Sơn, Quảng Ngãi

Phùng Việt Hải

Khoa Vật lí, Trường ĐHSP – Đại học Đà Nẵng

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