Nâng cao nhận thức cho phụ huynh về trẻ chậm phát triển ngôn ngữ: nhìn từ thực tiễn tại Trường mầm non Hoa Anh Đào, huyện Khoái Châu, tỉnh Hưng Yên

  • Hà Thị Huyền
Từ khóa: Language delay; community service; disabled children

Tóm tắt

Language retardation is a form of communication disorder that greatly affects the comprehensive development of preschool children, profoundly affecting the psychology and emotions of parents and young families. Looking at the fact that many parents of children with language delays do not have adequate awareness and knowledge about this issue, meanwhile, in order to effectively intervene and help children with language delays integrate well with communities in need of multidisciplinary coordination, families, pediatricians, speech therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, special teachers, social workers, preschool teachers … in which young parents are the most important factor. Therefore, raising the awareness of parents about children with language delay is an urgent requirement with profound social significance.

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Hà Thị Huyền

Học viên Cao học K31, Khoa Công tác xã hội - Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội

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