Sự chuyển dịch từ chiến lược học tập sang chiến lược tự điều chỉnh của người học

  • Dương Hồng Anh
Từ khóa: Teaching reading skills, learning strategy, self-regulation

Tóm tắt

The concept of learning strategy has had a significant impact on both language learning and teaching during the last decades. It is generally assumed that learners who have strategic understanding of language acquisition become more efficient and flexible, allowing them to learn a language more quickly. However, learning techniques are not well defined theoretically or operationally. In theory, many terminologies and categories have been used to refer to learning strategies. However, this does not imply that experts have changed their minds on learning strategies. That is, the product (strategies) is giving way to the process (self-regulation).

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Dương Hồng Anh

ThS, Trường ĐH Ngoại ngữ, ĐHQG HN

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