Lựa chọn test đánh giá trình độ thể lực cuối khóa học môn Võ thuật Công an Nhân dân cho nam học viên Trường Cao đẳng Cảnh sát Nhân dân I

  • Trần Quang Vũ
Từ khóa: Fitness, Martial Arts, People’s Police, male students, at the end of the course, test

Tóm tắt

End-of-course assessment is an important task to determine the effectiveness of the comprehensive training and teaching process. Through the use of reliable and basic scientific research methods, the purpose of this study is to select a test to assess the fitness level at the end of the People’s Police Martial Arts course for male students of the College. People’s Police I. The research results selected 10 appropriate professional tests, which were reliable and informative (r ≥ 0.60 and 0.80 at p < 0.05) to assess the fitness level of the study subjects. Specifically, the following tests are included: 2 tests to assess speed; 2 strength assessment tests; 2 endurance tests; 2 tests to assess the ability to coordinate movement; 1 flexibility assessment tests.

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Trần Quang Vũ

ThS. Khoa Quân sự - Võ thuật - Thể dục - Thể thao Trường Cao đẳng Cảnh sát Nhân dân I

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