• Nguyễn Phước An
  • Lê Hoàng Thanh Nhật
  • Nguyễn Trường Thịnh
Keywords: Water puppetry, automation, puppet, tele-operation, traditional art.


The integration of automation technology into water puppetry has revolutionized the traditional art form, ushering in a new era of independent performing arts.
This innovative approach eliminates the need for a puppeteer to control the puppet's movements. The designed controlling system is compact and efficient. It operates
the puppets automatically based on their movements with precision and grace. To ensure seamless and synchronized puppet movements, the controller uses fewer
degrees of freedom than two human arms. Specifically, puppets include 4 degrees of freedom such as vertical movement, forward and backward movement, rotational
movement, and horizontal movement. Experiments and evaluations have proven the system's effectiveness and accuracy in the art of water puppetry. The water puppets
operate perfectly underwater with their fluid movements. The integration of technology into water puppetry is an important step forward, expanding the possibilities
of this traditional art form. The art of water puppetry offers compelling performances with puppets taking center stage, their self-propelled nature by automation. Water
puppetry reaches a wide range of audiences and can be performed in a variety of contexts. The blending of centuries-old tradition and advanced automation technology
not only preserves Vietnam's cultural heritage but also highlights Vietnam's artistic innovation. The advancement in water puppetry automation is a remarkable
achievement, blending tradition with modernity. Leveraging the power of automation, water puppetry engages audiences in new and exciting ways that push the
boundaries of this ancient art form. This technology integration reflects Vietnam's innovative spirit and enthusiasm in preserving and promoting its cultural heritage.

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