Solutions to develop digital libraries that share endogenous digital resources for Vietnamese university libraries

  • Trần Dương
  • Nguyễn Thị Đào
Keywords: Endogenous digital resources; endogenous digital resources; shared digital libraries; university libraries; Vietnam


    Endogenous digital resources are “gray matter” resources - a unique product of the training and scientific research process at higher education institutions. However, this information resource has been limited to serving the primary users of those higher education institutions. Developing a digital library that shares endogenous digital resources is a solution to help share endogenous digital resources is a solution to share endogenous resources for education institutions based on agreements and regulations of member university libraries. The article aims to introduce the concepts, roles, and reality of everyday use of endogenous digital resources, thus promoting solutions to enhance and develop a digital library that shares endogenous digital resources for different users in Vietnam universities.

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