Đánh giá diễn biến bồi lắng hồ Yên Lập - tỉnh Quảng Ninh

  • Hồ Việt Cường


Yen Lap Reservoir, Quang Ninh province is one of the largest irrigation systems in northern Vietnam during the 1970s. Its main tasks are water supply and flood control (flood protection, early flood, late flood and big flood reduction). In addition, this project is in charge of water supply for industry, rural areas, livelihoods and aquaculture. Over nearly 40 years of operation, under the impact of natural conditions and socio-economic activities, the project has caused many fluctuations in the basin. The amount of sediment and waste discharged to the reservoir. Every year the sedimentation increases in the reservoir and this deteriorates water quality, affecting seriously to flood control capacity, water supply and ecological environment. The paper presents the results of research and evaluation of reservoir sediment developments, identifies the causes of sedimentation and proposes some solutions to minimize adverse impacts on the reservoir.

Keywords: sediment, sedimentation, evolution, reservoir longevity.

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