Multi-criteria design of an innovative frame saw machine based on visual interactive analysis method

  • Đặng Hoàng Minh
  • Phùng Văn Bình
  • Nguyễn Việt Đức


This paper presents a design process of an innovative frame saw machine
based on the concept of “multi-criteria product life-cycle quality
management”. An advanced life-cycle model was developed to interact
and deal with inconsistencies among different stages in the design of this
machine. The central synthesis stage in the model is a multi-criteria
mathematical model including 8 control parameters, 9 functional
constraints and 9 objective functions, which were established by various
experts. In order to deal with this multi-objective optimization problem,
the authors proposed a novel approach, involving Visual Interactive
Analysis Method (VIAM) with an application of single-objective
optimization techniques. VIAM assisted in searching for valid and optimal
solutions, satisfying technical requirements at different scenarios.
Additionally, VIAM can also be widely used in multi-criteria design of
other products.
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