Prehistoric Archeological Sites in Krông Nô Volcanic Caves

  • Nguyễn Khắc Sử
  • La Thế Phúc
  • Lê Xuân Hưng


Excavations in the Krông Nô volcanic cave have given a standard stratigraphy of the prehistoric cultural process of the middle Holocene period, providing a lot of documentary information about the prehistoric human habitation patterns: through the remains of kitchen fire pit; strategies to exploit food sources through traces of hunting-gathering; cultural behavior of people through the technique of making and using tools; spiritual culture of people through funeral rites and other vestiges of activities. Through the geo-archaeological approach, we have gained more evidence about people's adaptability to the fluctuations of climate and the regional environment, the changes in the local landscape, and the flora and fauna ecosystem in broader context. The documents on the characteristics of tools, burials, flora, and fauna, and the dating system from 7,000 years BP to 4,000 years BP of the archaeological sites in the Krông Nô volcanic caves are uncommon in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, and over the world. Archaeological remains in the Krông Nô volcanic caves - an outstanding cultural heritage of Đắk Nông UNESCO Global Geopark (UGGp) - should be scientifically recognized and protected as a typical chain in the Central Highlands region, and have its heritage values promoted for sustainable tourism development.

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