Social-ecological System Approach to Zoning of Mekong Delta

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Keywords: Zoning, Mekong Delta, social-ecological system.


The social-ecological system approach is considered an effective one in regulating the harmonious relationships between man and nature. At the same time, establishing criteria based on the reciprocal relationship between the social-ecological characteristics of a territory will ensure the systematic, scientific, and modern qualities in the implementation of the zoning work - an effective tool in territorial management. The Mekong Delta has diverse ecological and social conditions; the main factors affecting the process of territorial formation are water resources, and river-sea and continental-oceanic dynamics. It is this division that has created a diversity with four sub-regions. Each one has its own functions and solutions for management and utilisation towards the goal of sustainable development. These results have scientific and practical significance, providing a scientific basis for spatial planning for rational utilisation of the Mekong Delta.

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