Ha Tien Trade Port in International and Regional Trade Relations during 17th and 18th Centuries

  • Dinh Tien Hieu
Keywords: Ha Tien, Mac family, Đàng Trong (Cochinchina), maritime trade, Age of Commerce.


Ha Tien, which covered a vast area of southern Vietnam in the past, was the location of one of the most important Vietnamese trade ports during the 17th and 18th centuries. Owing to the trading expertise of Mac Cuu and the Minh Huong people (descendants of Ming loyalist immigrants who settled in southern Vietnam during the 16th and 18th centuries), as well as the strategic vision and open policies of the Nguyen lords, a large trade network was established, connecting Ha Tien with other busy trade ports in Vietnam as well as internationally at that time. This achievement also sprang from the fact that Ha Tien trade port was founded during “the Age of Commerce”, when systems of international seaports were set up and developed vigorously.

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