Developing prospective mathematics teachers’ professional competencies from a situated perspective

  • Lê Thị Bạch Liên


Abstract: This study investigates prospective mathematics teachers (PMTs)’ competencies for teaching mathematics from a situated perspective. We used the teacher competence model drawn from Blömeke, Gustafsson, & Shavelson (2015) as a main theoretical framework. This model aims at resolving the common dichotomy between cognitive and situated perspectives in the study of teachers and their work. In this model, teacher competence is seen as a continuum starting from cognitive and affect-motivation aspects moving to situation-specific skills that lead to performance in the classrooms. In this study, we have also developed a framework for evaluating teachers‘ noticing competence based on lesson analysis after observing videos. Each video clip described a classroom situation related to the interpretation of the derivative in an economic context. More specifically, we used a qualitative analysis to bring out the characteristics of Vietnamese PMTs’ professional competencies for teaching the derivative in real-world contexts. Finally, implications for the professional learning of Vietnamese mathematics teachers are also discussed.


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