DNA isolation in processed chicken meat products (nugget) using modified DNeasy Mericon Food kit (Qiagen)

  • Alfi Sophian
  • Utaminingsih Sri
  • Utami Dyah Sofia
Keywords: analysis; chicken; isolated; mericon; nugget


DNA isolation is one of the important steps in conducting PCR-based or real-time PCR-based molecular analysis. This study aims to test the quality of DNA isolation extracted from samples of processed food products from chicken meat (chicken nuggets). The novelty of this research lies in the DNA isolation technique modified from the manual kit which is used to produce good-quality DNA isolation results. The extraction method used was the modified extraction method and the standard extraction method of the DNeasy Mericon Food kit. Analysis of DNA quality was measured using a nanophotometer, where the analysis of DNA quality was analyzed based on the parameters of concentration values ​​and purity values. Based on research data, it is known that the modified DNA extraction method produces a concentration value of DNA isolation with an average concentration value of 1295.1 ng/µL. Meanwhile, the value of the purity of the isolated DNA was 2.10 on average. while the standard DNA extraction method resulted in an average DNA isolation concentration value of 111.53 ng/µL. While the value purity of the isolated DNA was at an average value of 1.926. From the research data analyzed, it was found that the modified DNA isolation method has the advantage that the concentration of isolated DNA obtained is higher than the standard method, while the purity value of the DNA isolated from the standard method has better purity when compared to the modified method.

Tác giả

Alfi Sophian

National Center for Drug and Food Testing Development, National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, Central Jakarta, Indonesia 

Utaminingsih Sri

National Center for Drug and Food Testing Development, National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, Central Jakarta, Indonesia 

Utami Dyah Sofia

National Center for Drug and Food Testing Development, National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, Central Jakarta, Indonesia 

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