Calculation of transonic flows around profiles with blunt and angled leading edges

  • Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
  • Nguyen Manh Hung


Transonic flow is a mixeđ flow of subsoníc and supersonic regions. Because of this míxture, the solution of transonic flow problems is obtained onlỵ when solving the diffeíentíal equations of motion with special treatments for the transition from subsonic re- gion to supersonic region and vice versa. VVebuilt codes solving the fulỉ potential equation and Euler equations by applying the íinite diííerence method and íinite volume method, and also associated with soítvvare Pluent to consider the viscous eííects. The analysis of resuits caỊculated for cases of transonic flow over proliỉes with blunt and angỉed ỉeading edges shows more dearly the physícal nature of the gas - solid interaction at leađing edges in the mixed flow and the optúnal applỉcation of each protìle in transonic flows.
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