• Porferio J. Barlas

Tóm tắt

Using the data obtained by Barlas (2003), this study determined andcompared the mean difference on height, weight, sum of six skinfold (SUM6SKF); body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) of selected collegiate students who are in sports (VA) and those that are non-sports (NVA) to some previously established data. Seventy-two college students (36 male VA; 36 male NVA) were selected through simple random sampling. The VA were the 1st - 3rd college students while the NVA were the 1st - 2nd year students enrolled at one state university located in the southern part of the Philippines. The measurements included height, weight and six skinfold sites while BMI(weight in kg/ height in meter squared) and WHR (waist circumference/ hip circumference) were computed from the measurements generated. Mean and standard deviation of all data were computed while t-test was used to determine significant differences between groups. Results showed that while VA were relatively taller and heavier, no significant differenceswere found on all anthropometric variables between groups. However, when treated individually a significant difference existed on the measurements of their triceps, suprailiac and mid-thigh. No significant difference was established on their BMI and WHR.
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