Factors affecting the purchase behavior of One Commune One Product (OCOP) agricultural product consumers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

  • Nguyen, Hoang Nam
Từ khóa: Agricultural product, Purchase behavior, Local product, OCOP, Vietnam

Tóm tắt

Part of the key program for economic development in rural areas to pro
mote internal resources and increase the value of exploiting local agricul
tural products, the One Commune, One Product (OCOP) program, is con
sidered an important solution and task in implementing the national target
program on building new rural areas for the period 2021-2025, oriented
to 2030 according to Decision 194/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister issued
on February 9, 2021. This study aims to identify and measure the effect
of factors that influence the consumption behavior of OCOP agricultural
products in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) through shopping systems such as
shopping malls, supermarkets, convenience stores and agricultural markets.
Research data was collected from 500 survey forms in shopping systems in
Ho Chi Minh City in April 2024, statistical analysis performed using SPSS
22. The paper shows that different factors, including Attitude, Subjective
norms, Perceived behavioral control, and Purchase intention influence on
the Purchase behavior of OCOP agricultural product consumers, and dis
cusses the management implications to improve the purchase behavior of
local OCOP agricultural product consumers.


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