Books in Social Sciences Library Review

  • Editor in Board

Tóm tắt

1, New debates on socialism, Tạ Ngọc Tân ed., Lê Van Toan, Phương Sơn co-editor, Volume 1 - Socialism: from theory to practice (439 pages); Volume 2 - Socialism of the 21st century (542 pages), The Publishing House of  Political theory, 2016, Hanoi.

2, Labor Productivity in Vietnam: Reality and Solutions, General Statistics Office, Statistical Publishing House, 2016, Hanoi, 80 pages.

3, Triangle Measurement of Social Capital of the Vietnamese: Network of Trust - Participation, Nguyễn Quý Thanh ed., Vietnam National University Press, 2016, Hanoi, 472 pages. 

4, Study of Development Theory of Vietnam in the Hồ Chí Minh era, Tô Huy Rứa, Hoàng Chí Bảo co-editors, National Politics Truth Publishing House, 2017, Hanoi, 764 pages.

5, Vietnamese Thoughts on Human Rights  (Monograph), Phạm Hồng Thái ed., National Politics Truth Publishing House, 2016, Hanoi, 610 pages.

6, Policy for Female Workers in Non-State Enterprises, Hoàng Thị Nga, Hanoi National University Publishing House,  2016, Hanoi, 222 pages.

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