Study on ideological aspects of The Tale of Kiều by Nguyễn Du

  • Đinh Thị Điểm

Tóm tắt

In the history, all values have to stand the tough challenge of time, and everything without value will gradually be forgotten. Following this rule, distinctive authors and works have been constantly studied, discussed actively over the periods. The Tale of Kiều by Nguyễn Du is such a phenomenon. The reason why this masterpiece is discussed, studied actively by numerous readers and scholars over the periods is that it hides many values and accumulates many ideologies which have not been discussed completely over the time. Over the past two hundred years, the Tale of Kiều have been always awaken, questioned, delved. The more studies and contemplation there are, the more hidden ideologies, values consistent with each era they find, of which the researchers have revealed to engage in the current life. When learning the process of studying ideologies in the Tale of Kiều, we have found that the studies are increasingly profound, comprehensive, convincing and the works itself are increasingly opening new depths.

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Đinh Thị Điểm

Military College of Tank Armour Officer

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