Unique Fabric Grafting Features of Pu Peo Women’s Costumes

  • Hải Đăng Lê
Keywords: Ethnic Group, Pu Peo, Costumes, Jewelry, Fabric Grafting, Vietnam, Ethnic Group, Pu Peo, Costumes, Jewelry, Fabric Grafting, Vietnam


Pu Peo is among ethnic minorities in Vietnam who retain unique and rich cultural life. Their costumes are primarily made by women in the traditional way. While other minorities decorate their clothes with embroidery patterns or dyeing fabric, Pu Peo women apply fabric grafting, a unique technique that requires ingenuity, sophistication and aesthetic thinking. Jewelry is an inevitable part as it brings out the best in the costumes, especially on festivals and national holidays.

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Hải Đăng Lê

PGS.TS., Viện Thông tin Khoa học xã hội, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam

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