The Values of Protestantism and Their Influence in Vietnamese Ethnic Minority Areas at Present

  • Tạp chí Nghiên cứu tôn giáo
  • Ha Vu Thi Thu
Keywords: Protestantism; Value; Ethnic Minorrity; Vietnam.


The landmark of conscious renovation of the Vietnamese Communist Party on religion has manifested in the content of Resolution No 24/TW on 16th October, 1990. This Resolution asserted that belief and religion are spiritual needs of a segment of the population and religious ethics has some points in accordance with the cause of building new society. The Instruction No 37/TW in 1998, the Resolution No 25/TU of the Politburo of the IX Congress insisted on promoting and encouraging the good cultural and moral values of religion. The Protestant values exist under many forms from Bible to philosophy. These values express clearly in motto: worship of God, love of nation, equality and humanity. These values are standard values, many generations of Vietnamese people try themselves to implement these values. When analyzing the impacts of Protestant values in ethnic minority areas, we find that these values are contributing to teaching people how to become
good people. Protestant values also contribute to building good families and avoiding social evils. These values should be promoted to stabilize life in ethnic minority areas at present.

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