Determination of Methamphetamine in urine samples by GC-MS method using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

  • Đặng Văn Đoàn
  • Đỗ Quang Huy
  • Nguyễn Đức Huệ
  • Trần Mạnh Trí


This paper reports on the study for determination of Methamphetamine in urine samples by GC-MS method using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE). The aim of the study was investigation on the GC-MS method for determination of  Methamphetamine in urine samples. The method is based on the extraction of Methamphetamine by using of Solid Phase Extraction technique with C18  and  its  determination  by  GC-MS.  The  method  was  then  successfully  applied  for  the determination of Methamphetamine in real samples.

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