Main Pathological Characteristics of Tre Chicken Infected with Coccidia in Thua Thien Hue

  • Huỳnh Văn Chương
  • Đinh Thị Bích Lân
  • Nguyễn Vũ Sơn
  • Phạm Hồng Ngân
  • Nguyễn Hữu Nam


     This study was conducted to determine some clinical parameters and pathological charactesistics of Tre chicken infected with coccidiosis in Thua Thien Hue. 978 fecal samples of chicken aged 1-42 days were collected and tested for oocyst presence by flotation method and some clinical parameters were determined. Concurrently, all died chickens caused by coccidiosis were slaughtered to collect the samples for determination of both macroscopic and microscopic pathological changes. Results showed that the average coccidian infection of three communes was 50,92%. Tre chickens were infected with coccidia from a very early stage and oocysts appeared in excrement in the period of 8-14 days of age. The rate and intensity of coccus infection increased and reached the peak when chickens aged of approximately 15 - 35 days, then reduced gradually. Infected chickens showed droop, inactiveness, watery diarrhea with mucus, and bloody or creamy exudate feces. The main macroscopic lesions of infected chickens showed hemorrhagic and huge necrosis in intestine and caecum, distended caecum and eroded mucosal layer. The microscopic lesions consisted of severe hemorrhage, necrosis, degeneration of epithelial cells, and inflammatory infiltrations in caecum. On the other hand, pathogenic characteristics also could be observed in ileum and rectum. The different stages of coccidia were also observed in the epithelial cells.
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