Kinetic ofammonium removal by anammox rocessusingbiomass carrier felibendy

  • Nguyen Thi My Hanh
  • Tran Thi Hien Hoa
Từ khóa: Anammox process, kinetic model, domestic wastewater, biomass carrier Felibendy

Tóm tắt

Ammonium removal from domestic wastewater has attracted increasedattention due to the serious water pollution consequences such as eutrophication ofwater bodies. To remove ammonium from septic tank wastewater of the dormitory,the anammox process was conducted in the fixed bed reactor using Felibendy biomass carrier. In the research, three kinetic models including first order, Grau second order, Stover Kincannon model were studied to describe the process kinetics of the ammonium removal in the AX. Stover Kincaanon proved to be the most suitable for simulating ammonium performance in fixed bed reactor using Felibendy.

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