Dual ethnic identity of the Koho in Lam Dong Province

  • Chien Phan Ngoc
  • Thoi Phan Thanh
Từ khóa: the Koho, ethnic identity, ethnic boundary, social constructivist; essentialist

Tóm tắt

In the ethnographic discipline in Vietnam, the perspective that views cultural characteristics as having an ethnic identity defining quality is apparently a popular view. In the ethnographic discipline in Vietnam, the perspective that views cultural characteristics as having an ethnic identity defining quality is apparently a popular view. Over time, under particular circumstances, a number of members in an ethnic community may adopt an ethnic label imposed upon them by outsiders. And it is from this social phenomenon that an ethnic community can develop a second identity in addition to their local ethnic identity. The State, through ethnographers, is often an agent that initiates this second nationally used identity for local people, and the mass media, school textbooks, as well as tourist companies play a very important role in disseminating this second ethnic identity. We believe that the Chil in Lam Dong Province are a case in point.

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