Strengthening teaching capacities for nurse lecturers: An initial report

  • Hoang Lan Van, Tran Thuy Duong, Nguyen Thi Hoa Huyen, Phan Hong Anh, Bui Thi Hien, Hoang Thi Hue, Le Thi Thuy College of Health Sciences, VinUniversity
Từ khóa: Teaching methods, nurse lecturer, teaching capacities, educational environment

Tóm tắt

Objectives: To assess the prior knowledge of teaching methods among nurse lecturers before participating in the train-of-trainer workshop, namely “Covid-19 and Nursing Education: Strengthening nurse lecturers’ teaching capacities and learning environments for the new nornal”.

Subjects and methods: A cross - sectional study was used to assess the knowledge of teaching methods of all nurse lectures from five nursing schools. An online survey, which had 25 items related to 05 topics in the workshop, was developed.

Results: 26 nurse lecturers completed this online survey. The results of the pre-test survey showed that the average score of knowledge about teaching methods was 12 (± 2.8) with the possible score ranged from 0 - 25 points. Only 02 lecturers correctly answered 19 questions out of a total of 25 questions. The most incorrect answers were given by the lecturers in the knowledge area about debriefing techniques in simulation training and peer support methods.

Conclusion: The initial results of knowledge regarding teaching methods indicated the need of conducting the training program for nurse lecturers. The study outcome has potential application based on its series of training workshops, teaching demonstration and a combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluation on the effectiveness of the training program.

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