On the characteristics of the Vietnamese utterance's state of affairs

  • Lê Thị Thơm


The paper starts with an understandingthat an utterance's state of affairs (SoA) is the speaking activities in order to express a certain meaning, to swap information. It is the human being's language activities in communication The utterance's state of affairs is differentfrom the other kinds of state of affairs in terms of: (1) The quantity of the corecomponents in the structure of SoA (concluding five core components in saying SoA: predicator, sayer, receiver, target, and verbiage); (2) The semanticfunctions of the components in thestates of affairs; (3) The capabilites of the predicator to combine with other words denoting the speaking manners, especially with onomatopoeias such astweet, murmur, whisper; (4) Other typesof states of affairs can be incorporatedin the utterance's SoA through v erbiage; (5) The utterance's SoA is also a kind of Action SoA with features [+dynamics],[+ active], [+achievement].

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