Research some biologcal alkaloids of Catharanthus roceusL. In condition in vitro cultures.

  • Nguyễn Văn Vinh


Callus regenerated conveniently from leaf segment of  Catharanthus roseus  L. on medium containing the combination of  2,4-D (1.0 mg l-1) and BA 0.5 mg l-1. They were solid, dry and developed on the surface of segment. The callus derived from leaf libe parenchyma. The four- week callus regenerated into shoot after three weeks of culturing on MS medium supplemented with  NAA  0.5  mg  l-1;  BA  2.0  mg  l-1.  It  took  three  weeks  for  the  callus  cultured  on  MS supplemented with NAA 1.0 mg l-1 to regenerate into root. There was cell suspension formation after three weeks of shake culture of callus on liquid MS supplemented with 2,4-D 0.5 mg l-1 and BA  0.5  mg  l-1.  The  cells  in  suspension  proliferated  conveniently with  cells  of  same  size gathering into clusters of 5 - 7 cells. The presentof some main alkaloids of Catharanthus roseus L.,  especially  vinblastine  in  the  extraction  from  in  vitro  cultures  including  shoots,  roots  and calluses  was  confirmed  using  Thin  Layer  Chromatography  (TLC)  and  qualitative  test  using indicator reagents. 

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