Some theoretical issues and lessons learned on improving competitive capacities of the fruit and vegetable sector

  • Ninh Đức Hùng
  • Đỗ Kim Chung


Since Vietnam’s admission to WTO, Vietnam’s vegetable and fruit sector has  been faced with both the opportunities and challenges. The question is how to grasp the opportunities and overcome the challenges for the sector needs to be addressed, and one of which is to raise the competitive edge for the sector.

The competitive edge will be indicated in: 1). The satisfaction of the vegetable and fruit producers, processors and traders with the public services such as business registration, administrative procedures related to the land and space for business activity, irrigation system, transport network, agricultural exetension with involvement of the central, provincial and village authorities; 2). Time consuming and fruit market; 3). An appropriate policy and institutions with regard to vegetable and fruit production, processing and trading.

Solution to raising the competitive edge for the sector include: 1). Perfecting the vegetable and fruit market: (a) improving the organizations and management of the economic units b) perfecting the their business strategy, (c) improving the competence of the human resources for the sector and (e) improving the Research & Development (R&D) for enterprises; 2). Improving the competitive edge for the public sector in vegetable and fruit business in order to reduce the social costs, which include (a) better infrastructure; (b) better suppliers of public services in the local areas such as in villages, districts and provinces; good cooperation of vegetable produces, processors, traders and consumers and (c) formulating an appropriate policy for vegetable and fruit business./.

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Agriculture - Rural Area