Measuring Intelligence Students’ Quotient in Hanoi University Agriculture through J.C Raven Test

  • Đặng Thị Vân


The intelligence quotient (IQ)  was measured in 186 freshmen students in Hanoi University of Agricultue through J. C. Raven's test. It was found that that most of the students possess IQ at above average level, only about 1/5 of students has IQ at average level and very few has IQ under average level.  Based on these results the following preliminary remarks can be made: i) Freshmen students possess potential intelligence expressing analytic, observing, systemiatic and logical capacity; ii) It is not true, however, that students with high IQ have good academic performance; and iii) to obtain good academic records students should have high IQ. It is necessary to apply suitable pedagogic methods to bring students' IQ potential into full play.
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