Effects of Age and Concentrate Level on Liveweight Gain and Economic Efficacy of Fattening Local Cattle in Krong Pa District, Gia Lai Province

  • Nguyễn Xuân Trạch


A 3-month feeding trial was carried out in Krong Pa district (Gia Lai province) to determine effects of age and level of concentrate in the diet on liveweight gain and economic efficacy of fattening local cattle. According to a 2 x 3 factorial design, thirty local male cattle were divided into two age groups (18 - 21 and 24 - 27 months old) of 15 each, which were in turn assigned into 3 sub-groups of 5 each to be fed 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 kg/head/day of a concentrate mix (2750 Kcal ME/kg and 16% CP) in addition to green grass and corn pulp silks provided ad libitum. Results showed that the older group had a higher average daily gain (548 g vs. 475 g/head/day). The higher the level of concentrate was used, the higher the average daily gain (0.359, 0.570, and 0.606 kg/head/day, respectively) was obtained. However, use of 3.5 kg concentrate/head/day was not economically sound due to a fact that the added feed cost was higher than the increased return owing to the increased liveweight gain. It is, therefore, recommended that 2.5 kg concentrate be used for 3-month fattening of local cattle of 18 - 27 months of age
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