Utilization of Phosphorous Fertilizer to Stimule the Decomposition of Spring Rice Straw as Oganic Fertilizer for Autumn Rice

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An experiment was carried out to identify methods that can increase the effectiveness of burying spring rice straw as the organic fertilizer for autumn rice crop. 20 days before transplanting all the spring rice straw residues were ploughed down. Different combinations of basal and side dressings of total amount of chemical fertilizers (90 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 60 kg K2O per ha) were applied from 10 days before transplanting. From the present experiment the following conclusions can be made: i) early application of phosphorus prior to burying rice straw  significantly increased yield, ii) treatment of buried rice straws with microbial product also significantly increased yield, iii) high effect of spring rice straw on the rice yield was obtained when 25% nitrogen was applied as basal dressing combined with 50% thermo phosphate + 50%super phosphate 10 days before transplanting, and top dressings 10 days after transplanting with 50% nitrogen + 25% potassium and 24 days after transplanting with 25% nitrogen + 75% potassium were  most efficient.

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