Some problems on training for local cadres in the rural suburbs of Hanoi

  • Phạm Vân Đình


A study on evaluation of training issues for local cadres in the rural suburbs of Hanoi is not only necessary for Hanoi, but also a worthy lesson for other localities.

By using the systematic approach and initial research methodologies (comparing, scoring, and synthetic analysis), directly at the research objects including organizations of training in Hanoi, trainees (local cadres of the 19 official positions at the communal level), and inhabitants at the representative locations (Tu Hiep commune of Thanh Tri districts and Mai Lam commune of Dong Anh districts), the study has indicated problems need to be solved such as orgainizational form of the training program, content of the program, scheduling, materials, methods of training, time table, location for the program and other initiatives for participants.   

As the requirement of building capacity for local cadres with update profesional knowledge and knowledges of market economy and sustainable rural development, having strategic vision, it is revealed that several problems on training for them should be solved. It should aware that training activity for local cadres is not only a mission of training organizations but also a mission of other related organizations including administrative organizations (with function of advocating directions and guidelines as well as plans of training), cadres involving in the training course, and the organizations of using such cadres as well.

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