A survey on bacterial contamination in suckling pig and piglet meat in several slaughter houses in Hai Phong

  • Ngô Văn Bắc


A survey was conducted in a number of slaughter houses in Hai Phong province where  export meat of suckling pigs and piglet is a strength. A total of 75 samples of suckling pig and piglet meat were taken from pig slaughter houses. In the study 6 bacterial species were examined according to Vietnamese standard N0 7046:2000. Results showed that  94.67% of samples were qualified for export, 100% were acceptable in terms of total aerobic bacteria, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens; Coliform index was 96.0%, E.Coli 97.33% and Staphylococcus aureus 98.67% of. It was therefore concluded that the conditions of veterinary hygiene in the pig slaughter houses  satisfied  the current sanitary standards
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