Chemical and Nutritional Composition and Consumer Acceptability of Shrimp Sausage Product Mixed with Surimi

  • Nguyễn Xuân Duy
  • Nguyễn Thị Tuyết
  • Nguyễn Anh Tuấn


One shrimp sausage product mixed with surimi (XT-S) have been developed successfully, as a continuous part of previous results obtained, the objective of this study was to determine chemical and nutritional composition and consumer acceptability towards shrimp sausage product mixed with surimi developed. Research results showed that XT-S contained 62.6% moisture, 2.1% ash, 20,4% protein, 11.0% lipid and 4.3% carbohydrate. NH3 content of the product was 0.03 mg/kg. Lipid analysis consisted of 13 fatty acids, including two essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA with their content were 0.38% and 0.29%, respectively. Besides, protein analysis indicated that the XT-S included fully essential amino acids with a high ratio, accounted for 52% of total amino acids indentified. The XT-S meets food safety and hygiene quality to ready-to-eat product. Consumer acceptability score of the XT-S (n =148) to the product attributes as color, flavor, texture and overall
consumer acceptability were 7.05, 7.04, 7.30 and 7.34, respectively. While one same product purchased from the market was evaluated the attributes as above were 7.23, 6.84, 7.23 and 7.14, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that no significant differences between the XT-S and the shrimp sausage product purchased from the market (P > 0,05) towards the above attributes.

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