Study on Rapid Micropropagation of Lilium poilanei Gapnep

  • Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo
  • Nông Thị Huệ
  • Vũ Quang Khánh
  • Nguyễn Hữu Cường


In Vietnam, the genus Lilium coposed of three wild species: Lilium brownii F.E Brown, Lilium poilanei Gagnep and Lilium arboricola. Among them, Lilium poilanei Gapnep is an extremely rare species with several good characteristics and presents a valuable germplasm for breeding program. Moreover, this species has been seriously exploited in Vietnam, thus, conservation and development strategy is necessary for this germplasm. This study was carried out on Lilium poilanei Gapnep in order to establish a protocol for rapid propagation from bulb scales for this species. The results indicated that MS medium containing 0.5 mg/l BA and 0.5 mg/l αNAA was found to be the most suitable medium for in vitro shoot regeneration, the rate of regenerated shoots was 83.33% with 2.67
shoots per explant after 8 weeks. The highest rate of shoot propagation was 4.13 times after 8 weeks, the average height of shoot was 2.64 cm on MS medium adding 1 mg/l BA and 0.25 mg/l αNAA. The shoots were transferred to rooting media by the addition of 1g/l activated charcoal and the rate of root
formation was 93.33% after 4 weeks.
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