An Evaluation of Teaching Quality with the Participation of Students in the Plant Protection Science- Ha Noi University of Agriculture

  • Trần Minh Nguyệt


Teaching is a complex, multi - dimensional, interactive activity which needs to be evaluated using multiple sources of information. In particular, learners is a source of quite reliable and useful information. Nowadays the evaluation of teaching have achieved significant progress in all aspects concerning collecting, analysing, interpreting and use information to improve teaching quality of lecturers. Application advances in evaluation, this article presents results ofevaluating teaching quality with the participation of students in the Plant Protection science in term of curriculum, teaching staff and management issues and training service, teaching conditions, the satisfaction with the school. Totally, 2267 questionnaire were completed through individual interviews with learners; processed and analyzed in this study. From the evaluation results, thisarticle proposes some improvements to enhance the quality of teaching
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